A bit more about...
Brahms Guignard
The ambition to undertake the production of Vindicta has become a personal standard. I know I'm in a special place of creativity when I feel uncertainty leagues away from my comfort zone. In that space is where I believe I make the necessary strides to achieve my goal.
K from Bladerunner 2049
"Fifty million dollars? Man, who do you think you kidnapped? Chelsea Clinton?" - Carter, Rush Hour
Brahms Guignard
Founder of Cartel Collective
Favorite Anawan Project...
The ambition to undertake the production of Vindicta has become a personal standard. I know I'm in a special place of creativity when I feel uncertainty leagues away from my comfort zone. In that space is where I believe I make the necessary strides to achieve my goal.
Favorite Movie Character...
K from Bladerunner 2049
Favorite Film Quote...
"Fifty million dollars? Man, who do you think you kidnapped? Chelsea Clinton?" - Carter, Rush Hour